Do you employ trades or does your business work with trades? Please spread the word that we have grants available for Washington area high school 2024 graduates pursuing a career in the trades.
2023-2024 Trades Grant Application
This application is open for applicants from February 1, 2024-April 1, 2024
The Washington BRIDGE Education Foundation is a non-profit organization whose goal is to help bridge local high school students into their careers paths by funding grants, projects, educational programs/activities. This grant helps bridge students into a career path in a trade. Any local high school student scheduled to graduate in the 2023-2024 school year, and is a resident of Washington, IL, is eligible to complete this application. BRIDGE's grant money is available to help applicants cover the cost of materials that are needed to begin a career in the trades.
BRIDGE intends to award grant money ($1000) to multiple recipients. A career in the trades could include, but is not limited to, the following:
All Construction Trades
All Mechanical Trades
*This is a general list of trade careers, you will describe your trade path in the application.